
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stocking Gift Card Boxes

My two oldest are getting to where they want money and gift cards for Christmas. As a mommy, I sometimes struggle with this because I feel like I should find them something great, just for them, that they’ll enjoy. But, this year, I figured if that’s what they want that’s what I should give them. I CAN personalize the packaging though, which makes me feel a little better.

I picked them each up an iTunes gift card. The cards are taller than regular credit card sized gift cards so a simple gift card envelope wouldn’t work. I decided to make them little gift card boxes (which were featured on the Boss Kut blog yesterday)…

My Gazelle, of course, was my go to tool for this project! I used the Holly Stocking, enlarged it to the size I needed, duplicated the shape then mirrored one of them. That way I have a front and a back. After cutting the stocking pieces, I created a spine by simply cutting an 8.5″ x 2″ strip of cardstock and scoring 1/2″ on either long side. Then all I had to do was snip little “v’s” so that the strip would bend without cracking. I glued the strip to both stocking pieces and added the tops. To personalize them, I cut a monogram letter and little hollys from the Holly Stocking and added them to a burlap heart. I am thinking I *might* be able to reuse the boxes (if my kids don’t destroy them) so instead of gluing the hearts on, I used a mini clothes pin to pin the hearts to the boxes. Then, I added a bit of cord to the spine of the box to create a little hanger. The burlap heart, mini clothes pin and cord are products from Canvas Corp. Here’s a pic of the inside of the box…

So I can add the gift cards and tuck a little tissue paper in there and I’m good to go. These were super easy to create and you could have them whipped up in no time! This design is also great for assembly line projects so if you have more than one you need, you can do all your cutting first then assemble!

Don't forget today is day two of the Scrap-Mart Holiday Blog Hop. Lots of inspiration and some AMAZING prizes!!!


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